
Refereed Journal Papers and Manuscripts

Journal Articles

  1. Yuta Takanashi, Shin’ichiro Matsuo Eric Burger Clare Sullivan James Miller Hirotoshi Sato. “Call for Multi-Stakeholder Communication to Establish a Governance Mechanism for the Emerging Blockchain-Based Financial Ecosystem, Part 2 of 2.” Journal Article. Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, 2020. 
  2. ———. “Call for Multi-Stakeholder Communication to Establish a Governance Mechanism for the Emerging Blockchain-Based Financial Ecosystem, Part 1 of 2.” Journal Article. Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy, 2020. 
  3. McEachern, James, and Eric William Burger. “How to Shut down Robocallers: The STIR/SHAKEN Protocol Will Stop Scammers from Exploiting a Caller ID Loophole.” Magazine Article. IEEE Spectrum 56, no. 12 (2019): 46–52. 
  4. Sullivan, Clare, and Eric Burger. “‘In the Public Interest’: The Privacy Implications of International Business-to-Business Sharing of Cyber-Threat Intelligence.” Journal Article. Computer Law & Security Review 33, no. 1 (2017): 14–29. 
  5. ———. “E-Residency and Blockchain.” Journal Article. Computer Law & Security Review 33, no. 4 (2017): 470–81. 
  6. Lange, Russell, and Eric W. Burger. “Long-Term Market Implications of Data Breaches, Not.” Journal Article. Journal of Information Privacy and Security 13, no. 4 (2017): 186–206. 
  7. Burger, Eric William, and Ophir Frieder. “Efficient Residential Consumer Device Interaction with Network Services.” Journal Article. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 53, no. 1 (2007): 100–107. 
  8. ———. “A Novel System for Remote Control of Household Devices Using Digital IP Phones.” Journal Article. Transactions on Consumer Electronics 52, no. 2 (2006): 575–82. 
  9. Burger, Eric William. “A New Interprovider Interconnect Technology for Multimedia Networks.” Magazine Article. IEEE Communications Magazine 43, no. 6 (2005): 147–51. 
  10. Chowdhury, A., O. Frieder, E. Burger, D. Grossman, and K. Makki. “Dynamic Routing System (DRS): Fault Tolerance in Network Routing.” Journal Article. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 31, no. 1 (1999): 89–99. 


  1. Burger, Eric William. Ubiquitous Reach and Remote Control of Devices. Book. Düsseldorf: VDM Verlag, 2008. 
  2. ———. UNIX System Calls and Inter–Process Communication. Book. Washington DC: The George Washington University, 1994. 
  3. ———. Program Construction in the UNIX Environment. Book. Washington DC: The George Washington University, 1994. 

Book Chapter

  1. Sullivan, Clare, and Eric Burger. “Blockchain, Digital Identity, E-Government.” Book Section. In Business Transformation through Blockchain: Volume II, edited by Horst Treiblmaier and Roman Beck, 233–58. Springer Nature, 2018. 

Conference Articles

  1. Moore, T., Marshall, N., and Burger, E., “Fortuna: A Novel Staked Voting System for Distributed Pari-Mutuel Gaming,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Espoo, Finland, August 2022 (to appear).
  2. Bartholic, M., Laszka, A., Yamamoto, G., and Burger, E., “A Taxonomy of Blockchain Oracles: The Truth Depends on the Question.” Conference Proceedings. In IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, to appear, May 2022. 
  3. Carlberg, Kenneth, Eric William Burger, and Roger Piqueras Jover. “Dynamic 5G Network Slicing for First Responders.” Conference Proceedings. In 2019 Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTComm), 1–4, 2019. 
  4. Chiang, Matthew, and Eric William Burger. “An Affordable Solution for Authenticated Communications for Enterprise and Personal Use.” Conference Proceedings. In 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 810–15, 2018. 
  5. Vaidya, Tavish, Eric William Burger, Micah Sherr, and Clay Shields. “Where Art Thou, Eve? Experiences Laying Traps for Internet Eavesdroppers.” Conference Proceedings. In 10th USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 17). USENIX Association, 2017. 
  6. Asgarli, Elchin, and Eric William Burger. “Semantic Ontologies for Cyber Threat Sharing Standards.” Conference Proceedings. In 2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1–6, 2016. 
  7. Burger, Eric William, and Clare Sullivan. “Minerva Project on the Estonian E-Residency Initiative: Impact of Estonia’s Start-Up Culture on De-Cisions Related to Prudence & Good Governance.” Conference Proceedings. In Human Aspects of the Operational Environment, AHFE Affiliated Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision-Making, 2016. 
  8. Burger, Eric William, Michael D. Goodman, Kampanakis Panos, and Kevin A. Zhu. “Taxonomy Model for Cyber Threat Intelligence Information Exchange Technologies.” Conference Proceedings. In 2014 ACM Workshop on Information Sharing & Collaborative Security, 51–60. Association for Computing Machinery, 2014. 
  9. Burger, Eric William, Howard J. Federoff, Massimo S. Fiandaca, Ophir Frieder, Nazli Goharian, and Andrew Yates. “Social Media Communications Networks and Pharmacovigilance: SequelAE-2.0.” Conference Proceedings. In 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013), 1–3, 2013. 
  10. Gurbani, Vijay K., Eric William Burger, Carol Davids, and Tricha Anjali. “SIP CLF: A Common Log Format (CLF) for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).” Conference Proceedings. In Workshop on Managing Systems via Log Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques (SLAML 10). USENIX Association, 2010. 
  11. Burger, Eric William, Sharath Rajasekar, Phelim O’Doherty, Anders Lundqvist, and Thomas Grönberg. “A Telecommunications Web Services Platform for Third Party Network Access and SOA-Based Service Delivery.” Conference Proceedings. In 2007 Workshop on Middleware for Next-Generation Converged Networks and Applications. MNCNA ‘07. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2007. 
  12. Burger, Eric William, and Ophir Frieder. “Efficient Residential Consumer Device Interaction With Network Services.” Conference Proceedings. In 2007 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 1–2. IEEE, 2007. 
  13. ———. “Network Traffic Reduction for Transport of User Signaling Information.” Conference Proceedings. In CCNC 2006. 2006 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2006., 2:1057–62, 2006. 
  14. ———. “A Novel System for Remote Control of Household Devices Using Digital IP Phones.” Conference Proceedings. In 2006 Digest of Technical Papers International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 183–84, 2006. 
  15. Burger, Eric William. “Applications for Narrow-Band Audio Streams.” Conference Proceedings. In Winter 2000 VON Developers’ Conference, 2000. 
  16. ———. “Multinational Issues in R&D Management.” Conference Proceedings. In Technology Management : the New International Language, 184. IEEE, 1991. 
  17. Burger, Eric William, and Guido Dedene. “Economics of Point Acceleration.” Conference Proceedings. In Proceedings of the European Design Automation Conference (EURO-DAC) 1990, 424–28. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 1990. 
  18. Burger, Eric William. “The Use of Unix Software Tools for Automatic Program Generation.” Conference Proceedings. In First Sun Expo, 1990. 
  19. Chowdhury, Abdur, Ophr Frieder, David Grossman, Eric William Burger, and Kia Makki. “DRS: a Fault Tolerant Network Routing System for Mission Critical Distributed Applications.” Conference Proceedings. In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 106–13. 1997: IEEE, 1997. 


  1. Klass, Gregory, and Eric William Burger. “Vendor Truth Serum.” Conference Paper. High Confidence Software and Systems Conference. Series Vendor Truth Serum. Poster, 2017. 
  2. Vaidya, Tavish, Eric William Burger, Micah Sherr, and Clay Shields. “Studying the Pervasiveness of Internet Interception with HoneyPOP,SMTP,Telnet.” Conference Paper. USENIX Security 2015. Series Studying the Pervasiveness of Internet Interception with HoneyPOP,SMTP,Telnet. Poster, 2015.